I have been a middle school special education teacher for eight years. I will be done with my masters in special education this summer.
Where do I go from there?
I could just end it there. I could just stay in my classroom in Halstead Middle School until I retire.
I could get my Doctorate in Special Education and sit in my classroom in HMS and be DR. WARSNAK.
I could get my Doctorate in Sped. and teach at the college level.
I could get my Doctorate in something else.
What I really want is answers in life. How do students learn best? How can we motivate students to want to learn? How can we help parents be better parents? I love to do research. I love to go to the library and read articles for ideas to apply to my classroom.
I would like to have teachers come to me with problems. Then I could give them ideas and observe. I would like to teach students one on one in twenty to thirty minute increments. I don't want to worry about other people's schedules. I don't want to teach writing to two students, math to three students, and reading to one other student ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I am not very good at being a boss. I am not very good at telling people what they are doing wrong. I am not very good at confrontation. So, being an admin. is out of the question!!
I want to go into work, told what to do, left alone to do it, and then I want to go home. (data entry, McDonalds?)
So, please tell me what to do.