This weekend Lindsey and I visited Grandma Gloria and Great Grandma Garnet. We went shopping and stopped by to see Eda. It was so beautiful outside we had a nice time on Eda's porch. On Sunday, Grandpa Larry and Grandpa Bob took us to breakfast at Golden Corral. Yummy ice cream! I went to a scrapbook store in Independence and now I am just dying to get out to the scrapbook room and try the latest and greatest ideas with Lindsey's pictures. Maybe I will go out there tonight instead of sleeping! The picture of my sweet little girl is taken while Eda was holding her. She was amazed by Eda's shiny walker. The second picture was taken at Grandma Garnet's house in Great Great Grandma Cambpell's baby gown. It was very neat to see Lindsey wearing a 105 year old baby gown.