Friday, February 18, 2005

Hello! Posted by Hello

I just can't get enough of this face!! Posted by Hello

4 months old Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Four month check up

We took Lindsey to her four month check up today. She is 17 pounds and 27 inches long. These are both in the 95%ile. If you want to buy her a fitted hat, her head circumference is 441/2 cm. This is also in 95%ile. We were at first disturbed by our giant baby, but then I came to the realization that as long as everything is in the 95%ile then she is ok. If one of those was in the 50%ile then I would worry. Example: 95%ile in length, 95%ile in pounds and then 50%ile in head cir. she would look really silly! Or 95%ile in length, and 95%ile in head circ. but only 50%ile in weight she would look like a balloon head on a string!
She received four shots for vaccines. That was no fun!! She cried. So, when she wants a tattoo I will remind her that she cannot handle needles and I will not hold her hand (even if the tat is of a heart with "mom" written in it)
Everything seems to be looking good though. I asked about her spitting up SO MUCH, but the dr. said it was not a problem just a nuisance. She spit up on his floor twice... how's that for nuisance?!
She received some adorable outfits from Nana yesterday. They make us pine for SPRING!
Well, she just spit up again...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

4 months old

Lindsey turned four months old on Saturday. She is growing leaps and bounds, both physically and mentally. We informally weighed her at 17 pounds today! She is wearing footy pajamas that are 6-9 months. She is smiling all of the time and really likes to focus on people's faces and hands. She also likes to put her hand on your mouth as you talk to her. I just know her little brain is taking in everything she sees and hears.
I took pictures of her today, but I will have to put them on the Blog tomorrow or sometime this week.
My emotions are being tugged in so many directions. I see little girls and think that I cannot wait until Lindsey is that age. At the same time, I never want her to grow up. I want to always be able to pick her up and snuggle her under my chin. I alway want to be able to sing to her and make her giggle. I always want to be able to hold her close to calm her down.
I look forward to the time when she will be able to say real words, but at the same time, I love to hear her babble and coo. It makes me all teary eyed to listen to that beautiful sound.
Sometimes I think my heart might burst out of my chest with love for her. And when I see her and TJ together, just forget it!!! I am a blubbering idiot! They are so cute together. I love to listen to him talk to her. Again, I look forward to when she is old enough to understand what she means to him. At the same time, I want him to always be able to carry her safely in his arms.
How did I earn such a great reward?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

They say babies like to look at other babies so we put pics. in her crib. I went to turn the radio up and found this when I turned around. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I have been a middle school special education teacher for eight years. I will be done with my masters in special education this summer.
Where do I go from there?
I could just end it there. I could just stay in my classroom in Halstead Middle School until I retire.
I could get my Doctorate in Special Education and sit in my classroom in HMS and be DR. WARSNAK.
I could get my Doctorate in Sped. and teach at the college level.
I could get my Doctorate in something else.
What I really want is answers in life. How do students learn best? How can we motivate students to want to learn? How can we help parents be better parents? I love to do research. I love to go to the library and read articles for ideas to apply to my classroom.
I would like to have teachers come to me with problems. Then I could give them ideas and observe. I would like to teach students one on one in twenty to thirty minute increments. I don't want to worry about other people's schedules. I don't want to teach writing to two students, math to three students, and reading to one other student ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I am not very good at being a boss. I am not very good at telling people what they are doing wrong. I am not very good at confrontation. So, being an admin. is out of the question!!
I want to go into work, told what to do, left alone to do it, and then I want to go home. (data entry, McDonalds?)
So, please tell me what to do.