Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Sippy Cup Fairy?

TJ deemed July 4, 2008 the end of the Little Girl Cup Era. No longer would Lindsey be drinking from Little Girl Cups (Sippy Cups), NO! She will now drink from the BIG GIRL CUP!!
For some reason he tried to prepare Lindsey for this back in May, so she dreaded the 4th of July. Every time someone asked her if she liked fireworks she replied, " I don't want to get rid of my Little Girl Cups." Okay, whatever you say crazy child!

Anyway!! Upon returning from Dallas we quickly hide the cups and tell her we no longer have them, we gave them to some little girl who needs them. (She was not merciful). She promptly found one in the dishwasher (it was even clean!) oh, she rejoiced. Suddenly, I had an idea!
I told her that that cup was for Little Girl Cup Fairy and if we leave it out she will leave you something. Lindsey was excited because she wanted a new toothbrush (don't ask, I don't know why either!)--Cup for toothbrush is an interesting trade, but it's cheap so I went for it!
We took the cup outside to the fairy garden and left a note.
Today (after we went to Walmart) we checked. Low and behold that fairy left her a Dora toothbrush and a note about what a big girl she is.
Moral of the story: fairies make growing up easier!


Anonymous said...
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jamie said...

How clever are you! Looks like you are having a wonderful summer!!!