Sunday, January 09, 2005

I'm back

Okay, being a mom is difficult. I barely have time to do what I am supposed to do. But enough complaining.... no time to complain!
Lindsey is growing so quickly. Her smiles, coos, giggles, and babbling are so enjoyable, it is difficult to leave her at the sitter. Tonight I put some footy pajamas on her and they were not long enough- they are 3-6 months! I feel like I should take a picture every day with all the changes.
We just had a beautiful ice storm. It is hard to believe that something so beautiful could be so destructive. For pictures you can go to History in Halstead.
The book club that I am currently read "Drowning Ruth." We haven't discussed it yet. If you have read it- let me know what you think. I found it very interesting. I wanted to beat Amanda for being so selfish and Mathilda for being so inmature. I felt sorry for Ruth for having to be the adult her whole life. Even Mathilda's husband was a dependent whiney baby. I think that Christina Schwarz is great at weaving the tale back and forth from past to present. She also does a great job of leaving you hanging and explaining at the same time. It is kind of a long read, but great for this cold weather!
I am almost done with my Masters in Special Education. I have no idea what I want to do after that. What can you do with a doctorate in Special Education. Any ideas or thoughts on a PhD. in Educational Psychology?

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